(Sup.*) Sat., Sept. 21.

This evening at Goethe's, with Counsellor (Hofrath) Meyer. The conversation turned principally upon mineralogy, chemistry, and natural science (physik). The phenomena of the polarization of light appeared to interest him particularly. He showed me various preparations, chiefly after his own designs, and expressed a wish to make some experiments with me.

In the course of our conversation, Goethe became more and more free and communicative. I remained more than an hour, and at my departure he said many kind things to me.

His figure is still to be called handsome; his forehead and eyes are extremely majestic. He is tall and well built, and so vigorous in appearance that one can scarcely comprehend how he has been able for some years to declare himself too old to enter into society, and to go to court.

(Sup.*) Tues., Sept. 24.

The evening spent at Goethe's, with Meyer, Goethe's son, Frau von Goethe, and his physician, Counsellor (Hofrath) Rehbein. To-day, Goethe was particularly lively. He showed me some splendid lithographs from Stuttgard, the most perfect things of the kind I had ever seen. After that we conversed on scientific subjects, especially on the advancement of chemistry. Iodine and chlorine occupied him particularly; he spoke about these substances as if the new discoveries in chemistry had quite taken him by surprise. He had some iodine brought in, and volatilized it, before our eyes, in the flame of a taper; by which means he did not fail to make us admire the violet-vapour as a pleasing confirmation of a law in his theory of colours.

(Sup.*) Thurs., Oct. 1.

To an evening party at Goethe's. I found amongst the assembled guests, Chancellor von Müller, President Peucer, Dr. Stephan Schütze, and Counsellor (Regierungsrath) Schmidt, which last played some sonatas of Beethoven's with rare perfection. I also derived great enjoyment from the conversations of Goethe and his daughter-in-law, who had all the cheerfulness of youth, and in whom an amiable disposition was united with infinite intelligence.

(Sup.*) Thurs., Oct. 10.

To an evening party at Goethe's, with the renowned Blumenbach from Göttingen. Blumenbach is old, but with an animated and cheerful expression. He has contrived to preserve the whole activity of youth. His deportment is such, that no one would know that a learned man stood before him. His cordiality is frank and jovial; he is quite unceremonious, and one is soon upon an easy footing with him. His acquaintance was to me as interesting as agreeable.

(Sup.*) Tues., Nov. 5.

An evening party at Goethe's. Amongst the assembled guests was the artist Kolbe. We were shown a beautifully executed painting by him—a copy of Titian's Venus, from the Dresden Gallery.

This evening, I also found with Goethe, Herr von Eschwege, and the celebrated Hummel. Hummel improvised for nearly an hour upon the piano, with a force and a talent of which it is impossible to form a conception unless one has heard him. I found his conversation simple and natural, and himself, for a virtuoso of such celebrity, surprisingly modest.

(Sup.*) Tues., Dec. 3.

At an evening party at Goethe's. Herren Riemer, Coudray, and Meyer, Goethe's son, and Frau von Goethe, were amongst those assembled.

The students at Jena are in an uproar, and a company of artillery has been sent to quiet them. Riemer read a collection of songs, which were prohibited, and which had thus given occasion or pretext to the revolt. All these songs, being read aloud, received decisive applause, on account of the great talent they displayed. Goethe himself thought well of them, and promised me a private inspection of them.

After we had spent some time in examining copper-plates and valuable books, Goethe, to our great delight, read to us the poem of “Charon.” I could not but admire the clear, distinct, and energetic manner in which Goethe read the poem. I have never heard so beautiful a declamation. What fire! what a glance! and what a voice! Alternately like thunder, and then soft and mild. Perhaps, in some parts, he displayed too much force for the small room in which we were assembled; but yet there was nothing in his delivery which we could wish otherwise. Goethe afterwards conversed upon literature, and upon his works, also upon Madame de Stael, and kindred subjects. He is at present occupied with the translation and arrangement of the fragments of the “Phaëton” of Euripides. He began this work about a year ago, and has lately resumed it.

(Sup.*) Thurs., Dec. 5.

This evening, at Goethe's, I heard the rehearsal of the first act of an opera which will shortly be produced, “The Count of Gleichen,” by Eberwein. Since Goethe resigned the direction of the theatre, this is the first time, I have been told, that he had had at his house so great an operatic company. Herr Eberwein directed the singing. Some ladies of Goethe's acquaintance joined in the choruses, whilst the solo parts were sung by members of the operatic company. Some pieces appeared to me very remarkable, especially a canon for four voices.

(Sup.*) Tues., Dec. 17.

In the evening at Goethe's. He was very cheerful, and treated with much spirit the theme that the follies of fathers are lost for their children.

The investigations which are now being made touching the discovery of salt springs evidently interested him. He inveighed against the stupidity of certain projectors, who totally disregard the outward signs, and the position and order of the strata under which rock-salt lies, and through which the auger must pass, and who, without knowing or seeking to discover the right spot, obstinately continue to work at random at the same shaft and in the same place.