A small trick to Xor

NOTE HXA7241 2011-03-10T21:08Z

An arithmetic way to perform exclusive-or – something that might have a small use somewhere.

Suppose you want the Xor of two booleans, but the language does not have Xor – like Scheme or Lua 5.1. The obvious thing to do is just implement it – it is very simple, e.g in Scheme: (define (xor a b) (and (not (and a b)) (or a b))).

But if you are dealing with numbers there might be a neat short cut. Instead of:

/* in C: check directions are on same side of surface (no transmission) */
const bool isSameSide = !( (inDot < 0.0f) ^ (outDot < 0.0f) );


/* in C: check directions are on same side of surface (no transmission) */
const bool isSameSide = (inDot * outDot) > 0.0;

Because multiplication of signs has the same truth-function shape as Xor:

exclusive-or sign-multiply
0 0 0 - - +
0 1 1 - + -
1 0 1 + - -
1 1 0 + + +

That is all.